TogetherEffect & Kazm:

How a Band Finds Harmony With Its Fans

Every band has its origin story. For TogetherEffect, a British-American duo formed by brothers-in-law who first connected on Zoom, it’s part of what makes the band unique. This family-oriented vibe inspired TogetherEffect to see their musical journey as inextricably linked to a sense of community with their fans.  

While visions of playing iconic venues like Madison Square Garden reflect their ambitious dreams, their philosophy remains grounded in developing an authentic connection with fans — one song, show, and shared experience at a time.

Accordingly, TogetherEffect partnered with Kazm to create a next-generation fan club and build an energized grassroots fanbase. Using Kazm’s gamification capabilities across every fan touchpoint, TogetherEffect can foster engagement both online and IRL to cultivate an interactive community that grows hand-in-hand with the band.

An Authentic Approach

From the outset, drummer Noah Smith and guitarist and lead vocalist Caleb Kent knew that seeking popularity at the cost of authenticity wasn’t for them. Instead, from their founding moments, Noah and Caleb wanted to build authentic and dynamic relationships with their fans. 

As they saw it, too many bands limited themselves to one-way interactions with fans. Communication — whether by email or social media — was impersonal and more of a megaphone than a conversation. And as bands grew, they became increasingly separated from their fans. 

For TogetherEffect, the bandmates wanted to weave back-and-forth interaction into the entire fan experience. TogetherEffect sought to maintain a thriving relationship with core supporters who they knew were key to spreading enthusiasm for every new song or concert.

“Our dream is to have a gradual flow with music,” Noah said. “We want to stay true and authentic and real with our fans in a unique way, one where they can feel like they can drop into the pub to have a pint with us.” 

Kazm’s platform was the perfect fit for the band’s goal of forming a community with its fans. Kazm incorporates engagement from the diverse digital and IRL touchpoints between the band and its followers. Kazm also gives the band a framework to gamify interactions, encourage individual expression about the band, and recognize and reward the most active and loyal supporters. These features not only reinforce TogetherEffect’s community-oriented vision but also enable rich and meaningful experiences that organically grow the fanbase. 

Capturing Moments and Experiences

TogetherEffect launched their Kazm-based membership program at a show in London in the fall of 2023. Kazm’s solution made it easy to onboard attendees excited about seeing the band in concert. 

Kazm enabled the band to track, encourage, and respond to fan experiences from both live shows and social media all on one platform. Fans could interact with the band and each other, sharing concert photos and other user-generated content to represent their own personal connection with TogetherEffect. 

“We want fans who come to a show or find our music online or follow us on social media to embrace the spirit of individuality and to be authentically themselves,” Kent said. “We want to create moments and experiences that are unique. This is why Kazm is such an incredible and powerful platform. It enables the capturing of, and connection with, these moments.”

TogetherEffect could build up on these moments through gamification.  Fan club members earn points for attending IRL events, spreading the word on social media, and completing different quests and journeys. Leaderboards, membership tiers, and unique rewards draw fans further into the TogetherEffect community.

“We are going to integrate Kazm into the launch of new music,” said Kirsty Trindade, who helps manage the band’s marketing. “Not only will our incentivized community push the first record across fans’ and members’ social graph (like street teams), but it will also tell us more about who the superfans are and what drives their passion."

With more information about superfans — whether their birthdays, favorite songs, listening habits, or most active social networks — the band can tailor future incentives and quests. Data collected and analyzed by Kazm’s platform lets TogetherEffect fine-tune their initiatives 

At the same time, Kazm opens a direct channel for fan feedback, facilitating fluid conversation instead of stagnant messaging. And as they steadily release new tracks, TogetherEffect can ensure that their artistic evolution aligns with their fans' tastes and expectations.

Playing the Encore

Since its founding, TogetherEffect has broken with conventional wisdom about how a band should achieve success. Authenticity, community, and collaboration are central to their vision, which Kazm is helping to put into action.

With a platform that is both customizable and simple to use, Kazm lets TogetherEffect gamify engagement to bring fans into a stronger community and use word-of-mouth to gain popularity with new audiences. 


To learn more or set up a membership, fan club, or gamified loyalty program with Kazm, visit

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